Sunday, September 1, 2024

Planning Task 8 : Photography Planning

For my front cover on one of the magazines, my friends Maggie and Ruby are letting me take photos of them to capture a cool and eye-catching main image. I have roughly pictured what the photo will look like, as shown on my mock up, they will have headphones while standing infant of a graffiti backdrop. I have chosen this type of wise-en-scene because I think it captures the bright colours and fun that the drum and bass genre brings. I have planned for their outfits to look cool but also casual allowing readers to infer that anyone can make a career out of this genre of music if they want it. As Maggie and ruby are 17 years old, it brings my article of 'upcoming artist' to life, matching the plan for my set brief.

For my next main image on the front cover of my magazine, I will capture a moment when me and my friend group are all together, this will make my magazine look inclusive due to the different genders. I have multiple ideas on how I could achieve this idea. Firstly, it could be as simple as my friends all being in a room with bright, coloured lights, showing the vibe that drum and bass brings. Secondly, I has the idea of using my friends DJ Deck to create an idea to my audience of what the events they could go to would look like, and the equipment that the artists has while performing. For this image, all the people included will be wearing party outfits, whether that's dresses, cargos or shorts, emphasising an element of a night out. 

For my contents page images, I want to take more mellow pictures, to show that drum and bass is not always a heavy listening genre but also a relaxing choice of music to listen to, if you choose the correct songs. I took many images when I was on holiday that I could use for my contents page images, this will not only introduce a different aspect of drum and bass readers, but also where drum and bass could take you aboard, for example, the event, All Stars. I think by keeping my images simple on this page, readers will find it easier to read through the copy without taking their focus away from the image. Another simple idea that i may use could be as simple as a speaker. By editing this image, adding depth to the background making the image more enticing, I can hopefully engage my audience as I could use a cover line to adhere to the image I have used, "It all starts with a speaker"- Maggie and Ruby explain their journey as up coming artists'.

Finally, I need two images for my homepage on my website and the linked page. I want these to follow the same ideas I have for the editions of my magazine. For the homepage of my magazine I would love to use a festival picture that I asked my brother to take while he was at Boomtown. I gave him the plan that I had for the image, this included a large crowd, bright lights and the main stage, he managed to take multiple pictures over the duration of the festival, adhering to the plan that I gave him. As he took multiple pictures I am now able to see what works best for the homepage, I will edit them to create a cooler effect for the readers. For the linked page I have came up with the idea of creating my own record cover. This does sound difficult but I think it will bring a sense of originality to my work, as I will be able to design it as I want. This complies to the idea of how my contents pages in my magazine edition are more mellow, I am deciding to do this as my front-page and homepage images should immediately capture my audiences attention. 

To take these images, I will use my iPhone as it has a high camera quality, however, for the solo image of my friends Maggie and Ruby. My dad is letting me use his Canon camera, which will make this image clearer and higher quality than what my phone would produce. I am deciding to use a proper camera for this particular image because it will be them by themselves and I want to have the best quality to pick up on the graffiti which will be in the backdrop but still with the complete focus on Maggie and Ruby. 

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Checkpoint : Does Your Planning Meet The Requirements of the Set Brief?

I believe that my planning meets the requirements of the set brief. Firstly, I have ensured that the editing of my magazine front covers, contents pages and my website is all covered. This is including the types of images I will take, typography (fonts) and the layout of each of these sections. I have made sure that all my images will have a different use of mine-en-scene for my different editions, creating new topics for readers to be attracted to. 

I have made sure that both my magazine editions and my website are 'easy to read' while still including everything that I need to. I believe this will strongly help the growth of 'Beatz'  as people will not get confused or struggle to read my editions or website. Furthermore, I have incorporated the written elements that will be used in both my magazines and website such as the masthead, main cover line, contents plugs and other copy. All the copy will be different, specifically between my two magazine editions, this is shown the mockups I completed in my planning, task 6.

Also, on my magazine I have ensured that include the link to my website written on the front page, this will tie my work to each other, informing readers of an online platform in which they may prefer. Moreover, the price will be clearly state at the top of my front page, as shown in the mockup, once again making it clear for readers. 

Overall, I believe that I have reached all requirements that are needed, I have gained an understanding of the work being set and I now have clear ideas for both my editions and my website, making my work for the future much easier. 

Planning Task 7 : Website Homepage and Linked Page


This is my design for my header on the homepage of my website. I have included the title of my magazine, which will be written in the same font as the masthead on all my magazine editions. This will create a sense of familiarity for my readers. Secondly, I will include hyperlinks so my users will have a clear and easy way to access the sections that they are wanting to read, without having to scroll all through. The simplicity behind the homepage should be more engaging for my readers as they will not struggle to find what they are looking for, giving a higher chance of my website to be used. In addition to this, by incorporating the same fonts and choice of images, readers will clearly see the similarities between my hard copy editions and my website. 

What content will be on your homepage and linked page?

For my homepage and linked pages I will use articles that will be used in my magazine editions. This will be include:

  • How to get your career started in drum and bass
  • Locations to practice making your own drum and bass mixes
  • Upcoming events 
  • Introducing upcoming artists                                                                                                                

Although I will use some articles which will be seen in my magazines, I will make sure to vary my content between each platforms. This could be by using different artists, but also by using completely new topics, for example 'mix of the week' and links to Spotify that readers will be able to access easily through my website. 

3. What original audio or audio-visual content will be included on your website?

I will be including audio-visual content on my website. This will be an interview between me and an upcoming star in the drum and bass industry. In this interview, I will include the struggles that the artist (Maggie) has faced while starting her career but also the positives and opportunities in which this job has given her. In order to do this I will write a script covering all the most popular topics, to gain this information of topics that should be covered, I will ask my target audience 16-25 year olds what they would most likely to see within this interview, just as I did when discerning which type of genre I should focus on at the beginning of making my magazine. Furthermore, as I have shown in the mockup of my second edition's front page, Maggie will be the main focus of the magazine, once again creating familiarity between my magazine and website. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Planning Task 6 : Contents Pages

As I conducted my research for contents pages, I have understood the generic conventions of this particular page, I want to not only use my magazine to focus on the popular names in drum and bass, but also upcoming artists and how they can get involved in this genre of music. I have included the topics that I am wanting to cover in both the first and second edition of 'BEATZ' in my mind map.

As I have included the mock-up's for each edition I have tried to create a sense of familiarity for the readers while still making the pages different to catch readers attentions, I have done this through wanting to incorporate the same fonts used in the front cover design (masthead) but also through the use of similar yet different images. Leading back to following the generic conventions of a contents page, I will make sure to included page numbers, referring to the topics that'll be covered on the pages, creating an easy to read contents page. 

As I conducted research into the composition and layout of many contents pages, I understand that they should be simple but still informing, by including short sentences, introducing people to my septic topics I want to cover, it'll hopefully catch the readers attention, wanting to read more into their chosen topics. On my first mock-up I have chosen to include four images, this is because it'll be my first magazine, I want readers attentions to be immediately caught, however with my second mock-up, I want to include one background image where the writing will be in-front. I feel like this is a good way to show the atmosphere at drum and bass events and festivals, giving readers one main image will give a more detailed and up-close view of these events, hopefully attracting them to read on. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Planning Task 5 : Mock Up of Cover 1 and 2

 I have roughly imagined the images I would like to include for my front cover pages. My first plan for my image shows how a drum and bass event will look like, with the DJ being the focus is exemplifies the main focus of these events. However, my second image plan is a singular person, this connotes a deeper meaning of people finding peace by themselves with something they love, having this image I believe will stand out to many as its a unique way of advertising music, other than being in large crowds. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Planning Task 4 : Front Cover Design


Independent Research Task : Familiarisation with is a website that enables easy use for all users of the website, by having an accessible website, it will ensure that users who don't have much design experience can create their own things, for example, my music magazine front cover. Furthermore, Wix provides templates, including some specifically for print magazines which you can customize and fit to your specific ideas. In addition to this, Wix comes with wide range of editing and typography assets, this allows users to create unique designs tailored to their wants, making Wix a very popular website for those who are new but also familiar with design websites. 

Due to Wix providing easy to read, step by step instructions, like shown above, it is an easy website for new users to understand how to create their wanted designs to add into their work. By having these clear instructions it maps out clearly how to get your desired fonts, images and editing. 

Planning Task 8 : Photography Planning

For my front cover on one of the magazines, my friends Maggie and Ruby are letting me take photos of them to capture a cool and eye-catching...