Sunday, August 18, 2024

Planning Task 6 : Contents Pages

As I conducted my research for contents pages, I have understood the generic conventions of this particular page, I want to not only use my magazine to focus on the popular names in drum and bass, but also upcoming artists and how they can get involved in this genre of music. I have included the topics that I am wanting to cover in both the first and second edition of 'BEATZ' in my mind map.

As I have included the mock-up's for each edition I have tried to create a sense of familiarity for the readers while still making the pages different to catch readers attentions, I have done this through wanting to incorporate the same fonts used in the front cover design (masthead) but also through the use of similar yet different images. Leading back to following the generic conventions of a contents page, I will make sure to included page numbers, referring to the topics that'll be covered on the pages, creating an easy to read contents page. 

As I conducted research into the composition and layout of many contents pages, I understand that they should be simple but still informing, by including short sentences, introducing people to my septic topics I want to cover, it'll hopefully catch the readers attention, wanting to read more into their chosen topics. On my first mock-up I have chosen to include four images, this is because it'll be my first magazine, I want readers attentions to be immediately caught, however with my second mock-up, I want to include one background image where the writing will be in-front. I feel like this is a good way to show the atmosphere at drum and bass events and festivals, giving readers one main image will give a more detailed and up-close view of these events, hopefully attracting them to read on. 

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Planning Task 8 : Photography Planning

For my front cover on one of the magazines, my friends Maggie and Ruby are letting me take photos of them to capture a cool and eye-catching...