Friday, May 24, 2024

Planning Task One : Magazine Title and Strapline

 For my music magazine I have chosen the masthead 'BEATZ', this is because from my target audience research, most of the replies submitted were more interested in the drum and bass genre. For the target age group, this is the same opinions as many other people, I know this because of social media. Many people are interested in new and upcoming artists such as Pawsa and Sosa. In my opinion the masthead 'BEATZ' reflects the young and exciting music that my target audience may be enticed by. Furthermore, I have chosen 'Enter the new realm', I feel like this is not only an intriguing strap line but it also describes the introduction of a newly popular genre.

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Planning Task Three: Masthead Design

  I've designed my masthead and strapline to be bold, allowing my magazine to hopefully stand out to readers when looking for a magazine...