For my music magazine I have chosen the masthead 'BEATZ', this is because from my target audience research, most of the replies submitted were more interested in the drum and bass genre. For the target age group, this is the same opinions as many other people, I know this because of social media. Many people are interested in new and upcoming artists such as Pawsa and Sosa. In my opinion the masthead 'BEATZ' reflects the young and exciting music that my target audience may be enticed by. Furthermore, I have chosen 'Enter the new realm', I feel like this is not only an intriguing strap line but it also describes the introduction of a newly popular genre.
Friday, May 24, 2024
Planning Task One : Magazine Title and Strapline
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Research Task Nine : Target Audience Research And Analysis
In order to conduct my research and analysis, I completed an online forms questionnaire for both my friends, school mates and family to complete, this allowed me to gain an understanding in what they would not only expect in a music magazine but also the genres, artists and events that they are most interested in. As I was able to send it out to my friends and family, I have gained information from a middle-market audience with a range of ages, from 16-25. This allows me to have a wider understanding about the type of music particular ages prefer, finding specific trends of music, genre and events depending on a younger or older age demographic.
My results have allowed me to infer that the slightly older demographic, ages ranging from 20-25, listen to more chill, easy listening to music. this can show trends within the ages as this age group may have grown up listening to this genre of music. Furthermore, the response show that they find out more about music through sources such as radios and TV, this follows the generic conventions of this age group as they are less likely to be on social media compared to the younger audience. In addition to this, statistics show that 99% of 16-17 year old's used social networking sites in the last 12 months compared to a slight decrease of 87% 25 year old's using social media. This adds a further understanding that younger ages are more likely to find out about music through social media instead of other factors such as radio and Television.
Moreover, from my research I have understood that not many people buy music magazines, this is because they either simply don't want to but also they can find the information that they want to know about on social media. This links to the fact of print magazines' circulation slowly decreasing due to digital platforms gaining more popularity. However, my responses cover the same topics, if people were to buy editions of a music magazine they would want upcoming artists, famous artists and events to be included. Therefore, my research allows me to gain an understanding that people are interested in new topics in music, but also, they would be more inclined to buy a music magazine if the front cover and contents pages entice readers and stand out to audiences. This includes bold typography, eye-catching images and colours, allowing magazines to stand out from others. Leading on from this, people decided they would pay a price ranging from £2.50-£5.00, this follows the generic conventions of prices when comparing to other magazines.
In conclusion to this, my research has allowed me to discover the differences between a ranging age group and music interests. It has also given me advice on how a specific target audience would feel more inclined to purchase a magazine based on the appearance.
Here are my results:
Friday, May 17, 2024
Reflection Point : What Have I Learned About Independent Music Magazine Websites?
During my research of Independent magazine websites, I have noticed more similarities than differences between the editions I have looked at. Furthermore, this involves the layout, the organization, the contents included but also allowed me to see the generic conventions of independent magazines.
Throughout my research I have noticed that all the magazine websites bar 'Blues and Soul' which I have looked at contain their normal mastheads, the same as what is shown on both physical and digital editions that they release. As the independent magazines do this, it provides readers with a sense of familiarity across all the magazine brands' editions and online platforms. In addition to this, most of the magazines include a simplistic and easy website in order for readers to navigate around the page to read their chosen topic, this involves clear typography, less color but also hyperlinks. Hyperlinks, I believe, are a huge factor I have noticed while researching websites, these links provide not only organization for the website, but also clear guidance for the reader, allowing them to discover their chosen topic without having to look through the whole website. Moreover, these websites use hyperlinks not only for navigation but also to interest readers. I noticed that all magazines provided snip its of their best stories in their editions, along side a picture. Hyperlinks are the further used if readers want to read more specifically on a story, cleverly, the links can take readers to a 'sign up' page, increasing the chances of people subscribing to the independent magazines.
Furthermore, independent magazines produce many adverts on their websites, mostly advertising their physical copies of their magazines but also the subscriptions that they offer. Due to the adverts being there, I have noticed, personally, that people may feel more inclined into buying editions or subscribing to the independent websites due to the magazines intriguing in their target audiences. Leading on from this, I can understand that most of these websites have a wide ranging target audience, this is because the genres might be more recognized within an older generation, however, younger artists are being recognized, festivals and gigs are being more advertised but also, the independent magazine's social medias' are included, allowing the independent magazine websites an inclusive page.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Friday, May 10, 2024
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Reflection Point : What Have I Learned About Magazine Contents Pages?
A contents page in a magazine is a list, usually found at the start of a magazine, that outlines what is included inside the edition. While researching and analyzing many contents pages, I have discovered many similarities and differences between each magazine.
Each edition of magazine's contents pages all included numbers next to each content plug of what is within the magazine. This is so that readers are easily able to fund the features they are most wanting to read, with out having to look through out and potentially miss their wanted section. further, each of the magazine contents pages that I looked at follow the generic conventions by including main images, masthead, cover lines and color. This creates a sense of familiarity for the readers and enables them to understand easily what the contents page is used for as it is seen on almost every magazine.
In conclusion the main use of contents pages are to further engage and entice people to buy the edition of a magazine. Audiences can be easily persuaded due to the contents pages including the magazine's best stories and subjects, along with pictures, whether they are of famous brands or celebrities, or even upcoming people and events, people will further engage and become more likely to buy an edition.
Friday, May 3, 2024
Reflection Point : What Have I Learned About Independent Music Magazine Front Covers?
From researching and understanding both The Wire and RnR as independent music magazine front covers, I have came to the idea that they both of their front pages include information and pictures that will immediately engage an audience, whether they are familiar with the magazines or not.
Furthermore, on each of the editions of The Wire and RnR, the masthead remain the same across each, this, I believe, is to give audiences a sense of familiarity to each brand, allowing them to clearly see the magazine in which they are reading. In addition to this, the typography on the editions of these particular independent magazines are bold and clear, allowing audiences to read clearly but also be drawn to the colorful and bold printed copy. Also, the independent magazines include main images on each edition, this engages an audience due to them either knowing or wanting to know more about the particular artist. I have came to the understanding that with each edition, a new artist is being focused on, the front cover gives the chance for audiences/readers to see who will be included in the edition. Similarly, the use of covellines broadens the range information which will be included in each edition, giving insights to the stories or music that will be spoke about, this engages audiences and will further influence them to purchase copies of these independent magazines because of the array of topics included.
In conclusion to this, I have learnt that independent magazines maximize the use of their front pages, including bold typography, ranges of colors, images and covellines to enlighten and engage potential consumers, creating an eye catching but informative magazine front page.
The process of taking the photos for my magazine and website are taking longer than i expected, this is because of my time management and al...
In order to conduct my research and analysis, I completed an online forms questionnaire for both my friends, school mates and family to comp...
I believe that my planning meets the requirements of the set brief. Firstly, I have ensured that the editing of my magazine front covers, c...